.. RMPCDMD documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed May 4 12:33:14 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. only:: html RMPCDMD ======= .. only:: latex About RMPCDMD ============= :Authors: Pierre de Buyl, Peter Colberg, Laurens Deprez, Mu-Jie Huang :License: BSD 3-clause :Website: http://lab.pdebuyl.be/rmpcdmd/ :Version: |rmpcdmd_version| RMPCDMD is a software for the simulation of colloids via Molecular Dynamics, embedded in a MPCD fluid. Ready-to-execute simulation programs are provided for the dimer nanomotor in Periodic Boundary Conditions (PBC), the forced Poiseuille flow or for N colloids in PBC. These programs only require the setting of parameters in the ad-hoc text file for execution. Highlights: - The simulation of dimer nanomotors, reproducing the pioneering work of Rückner and Kapral :cite:`ruckner_kapral_prl_2007` is well tested. - This code is a research code, so other features are probably *under development*. This should not prevent you from using it! - We have a :ref:`tutorial` on nanomotor simulations. - If you use this code, the appropriate citation is :cite:`de_buyl_rmpcdmd_2017` (the bibtex data is in :download:`CITATION <../CITATION>`). Consider citing the paper *also* if you use the present resources (documentation, algorithm, tutorial). Features: - MPCD collision rule for the solvent - Chemical activity (either catalytic at a colloid or in the bulk) - Rattle constrained dynamics for rigid bodies - Quaternion-based rigid-body Molecular Dynamics - Walls (specular, bounce-back, virtual particles) - Hilbert curve based spatial sorting of solvent particles - `H5MD `_ trajectory file output :cite:`h5md_cpc_2014` - Fortran 2008 codebase using modules and *no global variable* - OpenMP multithreaded operation Development and contact information: - Development of the code takes place on `GitHub `_. - The contact for RMPCDMD is the main author, `Pierre de Buyl `_. - Bug reports are welcome either by email or via `GitHub issues `_ The source code features inline comments, published with Doxygen: `api `_. The use of the Hilbert curve sorting and of the Threefry Random Number Generator (:cite:`random123`) is inspired by Peter Colberg's code `nano-dimer` :cite:`colberg_nanodimer_web`. .. only:: html Download the documentation as a `pdf file <_static/RMPCDMD.pdf>`_ (does not have api links).