.. _programs: Programs ======== Configuration files ------------------- The parameters listed for each program are read from text configuration files. The syntax is given by example for the arguments that follow. - **T** Temperature - **L** Box size - **enable_thermostat** Activate the thermostat .. code:: T = 1.2 L = 32 32 32 enable_thermostat = F Boolean values are input as T (True) or F (False). For vectors (such as the box size **L**), several components are listed, separated by a space. For more examples, the subdirectories in ``experiments/`` contain configuration files for some simulations. .. doxyheader:: ../programs/single_dimer_pbc.f90 .. doxyheader:: ../programs/chemotactic_cell.f90 .. doxyheader:: ../programs/single_body.f90 .. doxyheader:: ../programs/poiseuille_flow.f90 .. doxyheader:: ../programs/single_sphere_thermo_trap.f90 .. doxyheader:: ../programs/n_colloids_pbc.f90 .. doxyheader:: ../programs/three_bead_enzyme.f90