double precision function, dimension(3), public | mpcd::rand_sphere (state) |
| Return random point on the surface of a sphere. More...
subroutine, public | mpcd::simple_mpcd_step (particles, cells, state, alpha, thermostat, T, hydro) |
| Perform a collision. More...
subroutine, public | mpcd::wall_mpcd_step (particles, cells, state, wall_temperature, wall_v, wall_n, thermostat, bulk_temperature, alpha, keep_cell_v) |
| Collisions in partially filled cells at the walls use the rule of Lamura et al (2001) [2]. More...
double precision function, public | mpcd::compute_temperature (particles, cells, tz) |
| Compute the temperature of a mpcd solvent. More...
subroutine, public | mpcd::compute_rho (particles, rhoz) |
| Compute density profile along z. More...
subroutine, public | mpcd::compute_vx (particles, vx) |
| Compute x-velocity profile along z. More...
subroutine, public | mpcd::mpcd_stream_periodic (particles, cells, dt) |
| Stream MPCD particles in a periodic system. More...
subroutine, public | mpcd::mpcd_stream_xforce_yzwall (particles, cells, dt, g) |
| Stream MPCD particles with a force in the x-direction and specular or bounce-back conditions in y. More...
subroutine | mpcd::yzwall_collision (x0, v0, x, v, im, L, t, bc, g) |
| Collide a particle in y and z with constant acceleration in x. More...
pure integer function | mpcd::change_23 (i) |
| Return 2 for 3 and 3 for 2. More...
subroutine, public | mpcd::bulk_reaction (p, c, from, to, rate, tau, state) |
| Apply a bulk unimolecular RMPCD reaction. More...
subroutine, public | mpcd::bulk_reaction_endothermic (p, c, from, to, rate, tau, state, delta_u) |
| Apply a endothermic bulk unimolecular RMPCD reaction. More...
subroutine, public | mpcd::mpcd_stream_nogravity_zwall (particles, cells, dt) |
subroutine, public | mpcd::rescale_cells (particles, cells, state, T) |
| Rescale the kinetic energy of all cells. More...